Exploring the Mechanism of Action of Bromocriptine Derivatives in Parkinson's Disease

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Niharika Modi
Muhammed Ameen MP
Bikramaditya Mukherjee
Amandeep Kaur
Gunosindhu Chakraborthy
Rajeev Ranjan
Deepak Nanda


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to motor and non-motor symptoms. Dopamine replacement therapies, such as levodopa, have been the cornerstone of PD treatment; however, long-term use is associated with motor complications. Dopamine agonists, including bromocriptine and its derivatives, offer an alternative by directly stimulating dopamine receptors, providing symptomatic relief and potential neuroprotective effects. This review aims to explore the mechanisms of action of bromocriptine derivatives in the treatment of PD, focusing on their receptor binding profiles, modulation of dopaminergic pathways, and neuroprotective properties. Bromocriptine, a semi-synthetic ergot alkaloid, primarily targets dopamine D2 receptors, with additional activity at D3 and D4 receptors. Its molecular structure allows high affinity and selectivity for these receptors, mimicking the action of endogenous dopamine. Bromocriptine's pharmacodynamics include potent agonistic effects on postsynaptic dopamine receptors, which help alleviate PD symptoms by enhancing dopaminergic signaling in the brain. Furthermore, bromocriptine exhibits a favorable pharmacokinetic profile, with good oral bioavailability and a relatively long half-life, ensuring sustained therapeutic effects. In the context of dopaminergic pathways, bromocriptine derivatives play a significant role in modulating the nigrostriatal pathway,which is crucial for motor control. By stimulating D2 receptors, bromocriptine enhances dopamine release and inhibits its reuptake, thereby increasing dopaminergic transmission. This modulation helps restore the balance of dopamine in the brain, improving motor function and reducing PD symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Additionally, bromocriptine has been shown to influence other brain regions involved in cognitive and emotional functions, potentially offering benefits for non-motor symptoms of PD, such as depression and cognitive decline. Moreover, studies suggest that bromocriptine can promote neurogenesis and enhance mitochondrial function, contributing to overall neuronal health and resilience. Future studies should focus on developing new formulations, improving delivery methods, and exploring combination therapies to maximize the therapeutic potential of bromocriptine derivatives in PD.

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