Tennis Elbow Pain Reductibility by Eccentric Training in Combination with Isometric Contraction and Stretching Exercises

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K. Yogarajan
S. Mercy Clara
Dr. B.S. Santhosh Kanna
Sugasri Sureshkumar


Background: In this study, patients with tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) will be asked to evaluate the effects of eccentric training with isometric contraction and stretching exercises on their pain and ability to do daily tasks. Methods: Twenty male and female patients with tennis elbow were chosen for this quasi-experimental investigation, and their treatment regimens were initiated. Five times a week for two weeks, a supervised exercise program was administered, tailored to the patient's account of how they expressed pain throughout the surgery. Both before and after the intervention, pain reduction and functional activities were measured using a visual analogue scale and a patient-rated Tennis elbow evaluation scale. Findings: indicate that the study's variable pain and functional activities scale pre- and post-intervention values for tennis elbow.

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