Effect of Trayodashanga Guggul Followed by Lodhra, Arjun, Haridra Kashaya Yoni-Dhavan And Paribhadra Taila Yoni-Pichoo on Yonigat Dushta Vrana With Special Reference to Premalignant Lesion of Cervix.

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Dr. Shivani Gavande
Dr. Priyanka Dolhare


Women are the source of health care of their family. Because of negligence towards health causes many undesirable disorders in woman. Among them cervical erosion occupies the vast area. Its prevalence is between 50-85% of all the gynecologicalconditions1. Cervical erosion itself is not life threatening, but has a profound impact on the quality of life of women and may result into serious consequences like cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer2. Cancer of the cervix is the second most common cancer among women in the world. It accounts for 12% of all cancers in females. In developing countries, including India carcinoma of the cervix is the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in India is 134,420 and 72,825, respectively per year3,4 Premalignant or precancerous lesions are the epithelial changes of female genital track, which are left without treatment, could progress into carcinoma. Considering this principle and rising incidence of cervical cancer in India, the topic was selected as management of premalignant lesion of cervix leading to cervical cancer. Ayurvedic treatment was comprised of oral Ayurvedic treatment and local treatment in the form of vaginal douche (yoni-dhavan) and vaginal tampon soaked with medicated oil (pichoo-dharana). These treatment modalities have given symptomatic relief in patients.

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