The Interparietal (INCA) Bones: The Cranioscopic and Craniometric Investigation

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The aim was to study the interparietal bone in terms of age and gender aspects. Materials and research methods. The material of the study was 200 (86 males and 114 females) skulls aged 16-74 years from the craniological collection of the museum of the Department of Human Anatomy and Medical Terminology of Azerbaijan Medical University. The ages of the skulls were determined based on the preservation of sutures and the condition of the teeth. Cranial measurements were made, and the anteroposterior (length) sizes and width of the interparietal bones were also determined using an electronic caliper. Skulls with the interparietal bone were also studied by computed tomography and endoscopy. Research results. The study identified the os interparietal in three male skulls of adulthood. The frequency of occurrence of the os interparietale in the craniological material we examined was 1.5%. On the first skull, the anteroposterior (length) size was 40.59 mm, and the width was 62.36 mm. On the second skull, the anteroposterior dimension (length) of the interparietal bone was 33.63 mm and the width was 54.14 mm. On the third skull with interparietal bone, the anteroposterior dimension (length) of the interparietal bone was 43.35 mm and the width was 56.27 mm. Conclusion. In our study of 200 skulls, the interparietal bones, or Inca bones as they are commonly called, were found on three of them; all three skulls were male. Particularly noteworthy is the identical location and almost identical shape of these bones.

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