Dynamics of Sundarbans Delta: A Century of Morphological Evolution Explored Through Geospatial Analysis

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Abhik Dasgupta


The Sundarbans delta, shaped by intricate fluvio-marine interactions, embodies a dynamic landscape subject to constant change. Human interventions, notably marginal embankments constructed for flood control, have disrupted the delicate balance of sedimentation and erosion, altering the delta's morphology. This paper explores the riverine dynamics of the Sundarbans delta using a combination of topographical maps and satellite imagery. Through georeferencing, digitization, and spatial analysis, the study elucidates patterns of erosion and accretion over time. Results indicate that reclaimed areas predominantly experience accretion, while non-reclaimed areas exhibit cyclic erosion/accretion patterns. The influence of river fetch on erosion intensity is evident, particularly in southern islands. Ultimately, human interference has disrupted the delta's equilibrium, necessitating active sedimentation and bank erosion to restore balance. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between natural processes and human activities in the Sundarbans delta, facilitating informed management strategies for its preservation.

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