Factors Influencing the Behaviour of Youth Towards Electronic Waste in Delhi
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Every year millions of electronic products/devices lose their significance and become obsolete and discarded as waste and this electronic-waste is becoming a threat for our environment. But this issue can be resolved by proper electronic-waste management, recycling, and disposal. The objective of this study is to explore the factors which are influencing the behaviour of youth in electronic- waste management in Delhi. For this work at hand, we have employed Empirical research methodology, where our conclusion is drawn from concrete empirical evidences that are both qualitative and quantitative. This study is conducted through a properly-structured questionnaire distributed among youth residing in Delhi. The data set comprises, responses of 154 youths and is analysed to examine our hypothesis. From this study, we find out that even though the factors are relevant but they do not influence the behaviour of youth in a significant way. While, this work has widened our scope of knowledge, there are certain limitations attached to it like; the sample size was relatively small, and data collection may have influence of self-report measures which may have introduce response biasedness. These limitations must be, bring into consideration before applying this knowledge for a broader context. In conclusion, stronger efforts are required to shape youth participation in responsible Electronic-waste handling. The results highlight that government and other organizations aiming to improve Electronic-waste management need additional research to find approaches that effectively motivate youth. While not definitively determining key factors, this initial study provides a valuable foundation. Building on it through expanded sample sizes, additional locations, and more objective measures would strengthen insights. In India's rapidly growing digital landscape, better understanding youth perspectives is essential to enact solutions enabling responsible electronic-waste behaviors.