Phytopharmacognostic Profile and Antioxidant Potential of Rhododendron Campanulatum & Jovellana Punctata
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The antioxidant and phytochemistry of Rhododendron Campanulatum and Jovellana punctata leaf methanolic extracts were examined in this work. This study's outcomes varied per plant organ. Phenolic compounds in leaf and stem extracts linked with antioxidant and phytochemical activity, while leaf extract was less active. However, if the local population relies on it for its biological features, it should be cultivated to prevent its disappearance. It would also be interesting to explore the diversity in extract compositions and biological activities of plants cultivated in different locations and seasons, as culture conditions can greatly affect secondary metabolite formation. A preliminary physico-phytochemical investigation of Rhododendron Campanulatum and Jovellana punctata (L.) Leaves found macroscopic, other physical values and parameters will assist identify the plant species, and phytochemical screening will detect secondary metabolites. Microscopy is used to authenticate crude pharmaceuticals, examine powdered drugs, and determine the medicinal and pharmacological value of plants. Rhododendron Campanulatum and Jovellana punctata Leaves have several therapeutic uses and aid in identification, authenticity, and standardization. Research must include phytochemical and pharmacological aspects. Drug development would be easier with more research.