To Study the Effectiveness of “Maysara” Wheat Sprouts Powder in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia Tashkent Medical Academy

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Shaykhova G. I
Ermatov N. J
Abdullaeva D.D
Aknazarova D.
Tursunova N.A
Mudarisova R.H


The basis of pathogenetic therapy of iron deficiency anemia (WAIT) and anemia of mixed genesis is the elimination of iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, the restoration of their reserves in the body. (1,). Various preparations of iron and vitamin B12 are used for this purpose. The treatment regimen should include antioxidants, membrane stabilizers, cytoprotectors, antihypoxants (such as alpha-tocopherol up to 100-150 mg per day or ascorutin, vitamin A, vitamin C, lipostabil, methionine, etc.) combined with vitamins of group B. In this regard, the appointment of wheat shoots "MAYSARA" in the treatment of IDA in addition to standard therapy is advisable. Materials and methods. Clinical trials were conducted using an open method in the hematology department of the 1st clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy. The examination included 30 patients with anemia of iron deficiency and mixed character of moderate and severe degree. The studied individuals were conditionally divided into two groups. The first group (control) included 15 patients with anemia who received standard therapy, and the drug for intravenous administration ferrofer was used as a ferropreparation. The second group (the main one) included patients taking standard therapy and MAYSARA wheat shoots

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