Artificial Intelligence in the Cadastral System of Uzbekistan: Application Problems and Solutions

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Toshboeva Robiya Sobirovna


The modern natural resource cadastral system of Uzbekistan is a two-dimensional flat cadastral system in 2D format, reflecting an object in a flat state, which does not provide clear information about the projections of protruding structures that overlap each other. Such cadastral models are not able to provide complete information about modern architecture with overlapping parts, which subsequently leads to incorrect decisions and the appearance of “cadastral errors”. In such conditions, the use of artificial intelligence capabilities to increase the effectiveness of reforming the cadastral system as a whole. The Digital Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy, adopted in 2020 as a priority area for the development of digital infrastructure, consolidated the improvement of the mechanism for storing, processing, protecting information and the convenience of using electronic public services for government agencies, individuals and legal entities throughout the territory. But insufficient legal regulation of this issue, caused by the lack of regulation of the legal status of artificial intelligence in national legislation, delays the process of its full application and equalization along with traditional information.

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