Effects of Resistant Training on the Performance of Musculer Endurance and Cardiovasculer Endurance Among the 14-18 Years Male Soccer Players
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Method-100 male students from the different schools of the Burdwan district were randomly selected as subjects and there age were 14-18 years served as four resistant training like Harness Running group (HRG), second group served as Sand Running group (SRG), third group served as Weight-Jacket Running group (WJRG), fourth group served as Weight training group (WTG) and the fifth group served as Control group (CTG).Ten weeks training were given for experiment accordingly. The control group was not given any training except of their routine. The selected subjects were measure of the following physical fitness components of Muscular Endurance and Cardiovascular Endurance. ANCOVA was calculation for statistical treatment.
Finding: From the finding implies that the Weight training group was more effective in increasing the number of pull-up than all other training groups the and Weight training group was more effective than all other groups in 600 yard run/walk
Conclusions: In Muscular Endurance Weight Jacket Group showed higher adjusted post-test mean difference with Control Group in comparison to other three training groups which is 1.24 higher than the critical difference 0.77 require to be significant at 0.05 levels.
In Cardiovascular Endurance Weight Training Group showed higher adjusted post-test mean difference with Control Group in comparison to other three training groups which is 0.07, higher than the critical difference 0.04 required being significant at 0.05 levels.