Effect of Facebook Based Instructional Design on Academic Achievement in Physics Among Secondary School Students in Relation to Parental Involvement
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In recent years, the integration of social media platforms into educational settings has gained a lot of popularity around the world. Among these social media platforms, Facebook act as one of the most commonly used and easily accessible technological tool that can be used for communication and collaboration purposes. This paper examines the effect of utilizing Facebook based instructional design as a platform for enhancing academic achievement in physics. With the growing prevalence of social media platforms into education sector, especially Facebook, it is imperative to assess its effect on academic achievement in relation to parental involvement. This study was conducted on total number of 600 secondary school students studying in private C.B.S.E schools in class ninth from Amritsar district. In order to conduct the experiment, a total number of six schools, out of which two using conferencing tool, two using LMS and two who are ready to use Facebook platform were selected. A data was collected using achievement test in Physics and The Parental Involvement Scale (Dr. Vijaya Laxmi Chouhan and Mrs. Gunjan Ganotra Arora). A significant difference in the academic achievement gain scores in three treatment groups was found. A significant difference in the academic achievement gain scores at three levels of parental involvement was found. An interaction between instructional strategies and levels of parental involvement on the academic achievement gain scores among secondary school students was found.